Lee S. Anthony, Ph.D., Roanoke, VA, Chairman

Bruce W. Smith, Fayetteville, PA, Historian

Cecelia M. Smith, Fayetteville, PA, Secretary
Bill Black, Morehead, KY, Co-Chairman
Roger H. Nelson, Akron, OH, Financial Officer
Andrew Z. Adkins, III, Gainesville, FL, WebMaster



Children, grandchildren and other family members of veterans of the 80th Division are invited to become affiliated with an organization whose express purpose is to perpetuate the memories, honor and integrity of these 80th Division Veterans. The goals of this organization are:

  • The commemoration of 80th Division Veterans who sacrificed their lives in defense of their country;

  • The celebration of the lives of the 80th Division Veterans who fought in defense of their country;

  • The recognition and fostering of the significance of historical and military contributions of the 80th Division Veterans and safekeeping of historical records;

  • The participation in events honoring the service of all Veterans of the 80th Division in times of war and peace;

  • Socializing with the Descendants of the 80th Division Veterans.

80th Descendants in the News:
Historic Donation to Page Public Library in Luray, VA
(Click on photo for full story)

80th Division Historical Books
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You Can't Get Much Closer Than This
Combat with Company H,
317th Infantry Regiment,
80th Division
A.Z. Adkins, Jr. and Andrew Z. Adkins, III

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